Friday, September 26, 2008

Conservative Rant

What if Barack Obama becomes the next President of the United States? Will we give all of our hard earned money to poor people and people in other countries, so that us working class citizens can go day to day wondering now we're going to buy fuel for a cars to get to work tomorrow or to heat our homes next week? The answer is Yes.

You see, I've been paying extra attention lately to the way people behave and act, and the stories they tell. From these experiences, often with complete strangers, I predict their political bias as being either liberal or conservative. And without asking or baiting a conversation, I usually find out before the meeting is over, because right now everyone wants to tell you what they thing about Sarah Palin (this is Alaska, after all). I challenge you all to try this on your own, but hear this: I've been right 100% of the time so far. That tells me something. That tells me that people are not as 'on the fence' as they claim to be. But it also tells me that others can accurately guess that I'm conservative. That can be a scary thought. Earlier this week I was in an area of town that is known to be a very liberal area, and I wasn't able to strike up a conversation with anyone for the life of me. I was just being myself, and it was as if people just spoke to me through their actions, "Oh, you're one of those." And did I waver? Nay. But I did stop to think that I'm not this way toward others, at least as far as I can tell.

So here's the breakdown: people who are whiney, lazy thinkers, people who cry for help in the simplest situations, expect things for free, and people who say everyone should care about less fortunate people as much as they do, are liberals. These are the people who say "Oh, this and that should be illegal." These are the folks that complain about a problem and offer no solution. I'm talking about the folks who try to fix the small little issues of huge problems, then behave as if they had solved the entire issue. The people I'm taking about are the ones who like to have more laws and rules because they're not smart enough to take care of themselves. Don't forget how Liberals are limiting our personal freedoms, including those freedoms guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights as well as the Constitution. They want government intervention in everything. They want to further enable the government to watch over us and eavesdrop on us, raping us of any sense, or protection, of privacy.

The conservatives, on the other hand, are usually more independent. We want to keep the money we earn and spend it on what we decide to. We want less government control because we know how bad they screw everything up. We know that the world operates as a better place when the decisions of individuals are not controlled and ruled by groups of politicians, elected by 'electoral' votes, who take complete advantage of situations and eventually lose any and all sense of reality. We're the people who own guns for protection because we know we can't rely on the government to protect us from much, and we realize that one day we may need to protect ourselves from the government itself (remember 1776?). And we don't want to give away money to other parts of the world when most of us are struggling to make ends meet, and we lose huge portions of our paychecks to things that don't help us. It's not the government's job to help us, it's our responsibility to help ourselves. We're the ones who believe in National Sovereignty and in only letting qualified individuals into our Country. We don't like the idea of letting people from other places of the world coming here for free and living off of our tax dollars as they contribute nothing (taking illegal employment in picking fruit and vegetables does NOT contribute to our country in a positive way).

There are so many things in this world that we need to just say "NO" to, and Conservatives are the ones standing up and doing it. Liberals are the ones feeling sorry for people who can't help themselves. Now, usually when someone can't help him or her self, it's because they're too lazy and too accustomed to getting things handed to them by people like these very Liberals I'm speaking about. If they're starving because they're too stupid to move to where there's water, then Darwinism comes into play the way nature intended. Liberals are the ones who pity the homeless drunks on the sides of the streets and give them money, and that's just fine by me. But don't try to pass legislation to 'help these people' by giving them my money. If they could be helped, they would've helped themselves a long time ago. Wake up already! If people are warned to leave an area because of an impending doom approaching, then LEAVE THE AREA! Don't sit around and wait, and just about lose your life, and then cry for help or complain when it doesn't come 'soon'. "Danger is coming. You must leave if you value your life" - I think that is help enough. Again, if people can't help themselves, then it's time for the rest of us to move on.

Disclaimer: this is pretty rough but I'm posting it anyway. Keep in mind, what I am conveying are general thoughts of mine. If you consider yourself a conservative but disagree with 99% of what I said, then (a) I'm sorry, no offense and (b) you may want to reevaluate what you call yourself.

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