Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's writing all about?

I suppose I can't speak for everyone, but for me, I'm still trying to figure out what writing is all about. In fact, I'm sure that the reasons I write have change and will change over the years, so all I can write about is Me, right now. And in now way do I consider myself a writer, I'm just a guy who likes to write sometimes.

The first thing about writing that does it for me is that one perfect sentence, or perfect paragraph, that perfectly describes the message or scene that I'm trying to convey. It's that grouping of words that describes exactly what I'm feeling or thinking.

There a lot of other things I like about writing. I don't feel that many people realize this, but there really are no rules in writing. Perhaps a writer has his or her own rules that they choose to follow, but when it comes down to it there really is no right or wrong way to write. You can write about whatever topic you choose. And if you want to follow conventional sentence rules, you never start a sentence with 'and.' But if you want to choose your own style, then you can start a sentence with 'But' and there's nobody who can tell you that it's right or wrong. Writers can even create their own words, like Shakespeare did, and that can be alright as well. So many writers use so many styles and, generally, it's up to the readers, the target audience, to decide if they like it or not, or if they care to read it, and if they read it then I suppose you're doing alright, even if you don't care to use short sentences.

Writing is freedom.

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