Sunday, November 9, 2008


So it seems that the more and more I think about what's happened in the last week, the more upset I become. I'm a pretty mellow person, so for the time being I need to consider whether or not it's worth getting all fired about things that I don't necessarily understand. Looking back, the rants that I've authored are little more than that - rants. The type of rants that continue on about a specific topic without offering examples or solutions. I don't like ranting with no solution - I call people who do that Whiners.

It may be best that I begin to play a role in my community as an observer, and decide as I go along about the individual issues that matter to me and which way to side with them as I become more and more involved. It just amazes me with how much time is spent dealing with semantics.

I think that the decisions made right here at home locally have a much greater and immediate effect on my life than the issues we're having on a more national level. I'm also coming to realize that if I want to make any sort of a difference, I need to start right here on a local level.

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