Friday, December 22, 2006

My first blog entry!

There are a lot of reasons that I've decided to start a blog. I originally wanted to start a journal, as a way to keep track of things that happen to me in life, and as a way for me to improve my writing skills. A blog enables me to not loose the things that I write, and it's centralized so I can access it anywhere. I didn't want to use myspace to blog, I don't want anybody why happens to be my myspace friend reading my blogs. I don't plan on writing about things that I want to hide, I'd just like to keep things separate. Myspace is about sharing pictures, about staying in touch with friends and family that you don't see much, and lately it's about spam.

I plan on writing about a log of different things, as I have many, many interests. I'm a computer repair technician/tech geek. and a linux user by practice. With software, if it isn't free, I pretty much don't use it. I'll be writing a lot about the open-source world of software, something that most people aren't even aware of. I'll tell people that there is no adware and spyware, and no viruses in linux. There's almost no popups. And I'll write about how easy it is to set up and use. You'll definitly be hearing about microsoft and how evil they are in so many ways.

I like tech gadgets. I spent my night looking at gps-enabled watches. I think I might get one next summer. There's something about little gadgets that I really like.

I live in Alaska with my girlfriend of 2 years and our dog, a sled-dog-who-couldn't-quite-make-it. They're both a lot of fun. I spend my last 2 summers in Skagway, where I worked on a glacier doing sled dog tours to the cruise ship passengers who roll (sail?) through Skagway. Last winter I went home to Michigan, where I became obsessed with dogs to begin with. There's just not enough snow down there to go along with all the ignorant, self centered city slickers that I grew up around. There were a lot of reasons for me to move here. I wanted to learn more about the sport of dog mushing. I wanted to learn another way of life (one involving out houses, wood stoves and block heaters, and dog trucks every 5th truck on the highway). I wanted to come to a place where I could really be away from people that I know I can rely on so that I become more self-reliant. I wanted to do my own thing. I really wanted to find out what really is important in life. I'm not even 22 yet, so I know I have a lot to learn. But the things that are important back home no longer even matter here at all. People don't care what kind of car you drive, or what kind of money you have, or where you're from. I was always the guy who judged a person by how he treated people, instead of whether or not his home is worth $500,000 or not. Society clouds peoples perception or reality. So does advertising. I've been a victim just as everyone else has, and I don't like it.

I don't plan to ramble much.

I'll probably update this quite a bit. I'm not sure if I'll mess around with pictures or not (that's why myspace is for) but I may drop the occasional link here and there.

It's funny because I've written this as if it were to an audience. If you actually have read this, can you tell me?